For this post I decided to keep it close to home and interview my older…
This week I had the pleasure of meeting with Mark of The Fish 4.0, Walhhogs, and Repliqa. During our conversation he recounted for me a slightly bizarre dream / nightmare he had the night before about the people he’s interacted with on MyBlogLog. It disturbed him so much, that he actually blogged about the event moments after waking up from the dream, err… nightmare.
I decided that it was time to figure this all out for myself, so I finally gave in and signed up for an account. Now, on my sidebar, MyBlogLog is listing the other members of MyBlogLog who have recently viewed my site. As I am fresh to this community, I have not much experience with the rejection aspect that has plagued Mark’s peaceful nights sleep. But hopefully as traffic continues to ramp up, I will build a wonderful, interactive, PEACEFUL, community. Please don’t attack my neck.
[…] year ago I was introduced to this awesome new company called I blogged about them here and […]