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Cool People

This time last year I moved to New York City.  It’s been an amazing time and I thought it might be fun to talk about some of the interesting people I’ve met along the way.  This list is by no means comprehensive, but here are a few that I thought you might enjoy.

Tony Baigalupo

Tony Baigalupo:  TonyB is the driving force behind projects such as NewWorkCity and has dedicated an amazing amount of energy and effort in promoting and organizing coworking in NYC & Cooperbricolage.

What I like most about Tony is how much he’s focused on giving back.  Tony has built an amazing network, that he shares without hesitation, and someone worth reaching out to if you want to play in the NYC startup scene . Oh yeah, he also is a resident at house2.0 – very cool.

Sanford Dickert

Sanford Dickert: I met Sanford while he was helping Tony with their unending quest to establish an official coworking space in NYC.  I liked him from the first time chatted and we’ve had some fun nights out on the town.  One of the most interesting facts that I learned a few weeks after our first meeting was the Sanford was the CTO of John Kerry’s 2004 Presidential Campaign.

Sanford is really great at helping projects get off the ground and pointed in the right direction. You could think of him as a walking linkedin as well.  Thanks for your feedback on so many of my ideas! Bling

DavidJr.Com:  David is one of those guys who is always producing a crazy viral video that leaves you somewhat questioning the sanity of people.  A guerrilla videographer, has mastered the art of self promotion and viral videos.  He sings a mad karaoke too! If you’ve got some time checkout his videos over at Watch out that you don’t get blinded by his *bling* belt buckle.

Gregory Galant

Gregory Galant:  Depending on the day it is Greg might be found interviewing top entrepreneurs for his famous Venture Voice podcast or causing a stir in the online world as CEO of the hilarious news parody website News Groper. There are some pretty funny stories  of mainstream media picking up his parody articles and citing them as facts – way to go big media.

I had a chance to interview him at AlwaysOn NYC. If I can get permission from I’ll try to post that here.

Howard Lindzon

Howard Lindzon:  It’s pretty tough not to enjoy the brains behind hit shows like Wallstrip, the Naked Putz, and MobLogic.

I first met Howard when I was at Wallhogs and have really enjoyed tracking what he is up to and reading his kick-ass blog. If you’re not following Howard you’re missing out.  He’s amazingly informative and entertain at the same time.

He’s also sitting on a nice fund over at Knight’s Bridge Capital Partners.

Matt Trush

Matt Trush:  As founder at, Matt is one of the guys who helped inject me into the NYC Tech Meetup community.  Always willing to help out and drink some beer, Trush is a quality guy and someone who I really enjoyed getting to know.  Also a Villanova guy, we were called back into the classroom together to give a startup presentation to the nationally ranked business undergrads and that was a blast! If you’ve got a minute checkout his style blog and pickup his feed – well worth it.

That is today’s social digital walk about. Do you know any of these gents? Drop me a comment and let me if you know anyone in the group.  I would enjoy hearing from you.

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

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