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Putting Projects to Bed LogoFor the last four months I have been consulting a video startup company based outside of Philadelphia called FHN creates (many) online video episodic shows. My role was to help develop a distribution strategy that would bring their videos to the masses, grow that audience over time, help standardize the production process, and prime the company to launch 50 new shows this year alone. As of last week, my work there is done.

Feel free to check out some of their fun shows like and for the Spanish speaking community Encanto.

cut the cordOne of the most challenging aspects of ending a consulting job is how deeply I inject myself into the project. As I’ve previously written about here and here, I have a tough time disconnecting myself from my work. I am very passionate about the projects I focus on and find myself wondering about the number of new viewers or what is next in the production queue – even though those pieces are now only distracting me from my next project and the launch of my new company.

Does this happen to you as well? How easily do you unplug from the work activity or do you take it home with you and think about work related issues frequently?

Drop me a comment and let me know what you think!

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Comments (9)

  1. I totally understand. When I was consulting, it always felt weird to “roll off”, especially when you spend a lot of time getting to know the people you’re working with.

    The tough part then becomes staying in touch with everyone. As you get further along in consulting, that becomes a full-time job in itself.

  2. Thanks Matt!

    I totally agree. I miss the people too. FHN has a great team and its really tough to let them go on their way.

    I was thinking that it might be a good time to introduce Convos here. Are you open to an interview?


  3. The best thing about life is to live it. We all have different interests and I think that it is a great thing to work with your hobby. If I go to myself I have many interests and I have worked/working with them all. As an example I am both in to medicine and research which is one of the greatest combinations because one part nourish the other part and vv that creates creativity. Living is at least for me to be online all the time (you have time to sleep when you are dead), you only get one chance and I believe it is better to regret the things you did do instead of what you did not do. But of course everything got a price and sometimes when one gets really into something it can be on the cost of something else but as long as you are aware of your decisions that is ok. Lastly, I would rather be someone that is “too” passionate about life/work the just being average!

  4. Miss Gospic,

    On target like always. Live life to the fullest. It’s like the speech from Steve Jobs –

    “When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last,
    someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past
    33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of
    my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No”
    for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

    I’ve uploaded the full speech here.

    Check it out!


  5. Hi Kendall,

    I completely agree with you… Being passionate about something will always put that thing on the first of the preference lists…

    But the difficulty is to understand we have too many projects in hand…and everything is good in it’s own self… So I just jump from one project to another so that my enthusiasm is simply the same when I return back to the old project as I have given it some time on its own and concentrated on some other stuff…so basically it refreshes our own mind to act well on this project…

    Regarding unplugging from work activity… I hate to do that but still I need to do that to de-stress myself… and one of the best way is to take a holiday… (and ofcourse if the better half next to you is great you destress much faster else… better be at work its easier 🙂 ).

    However one of the best things I learnt is not to mix business and holiday…which i did once and repented…

    Finally taking work home is not always the right thing you could do something else at home for yourself…for example…I am writing this comment in this blog at home which i didn’t do it at work… but well I had already worked for 14 hrs before I came home to call it a day…So its better not to do work or think about work at home…

    but you know what… we are human and not perfect…we end up doing things which we are not supposed to do… And if the person is a business man instead of employed…his methodology is much different..

    What do you say….

    Satish N Kota
    Director,Heurion Consulting

  6. Hi Satish,

    Excellent to hear from you. Thank you for your comment – and for reading! You touch on some good points. There should be a push to balance work with out of work activities. The idea of a working vacation doesn’t float for me at all. I’ve been trying hard to not even check the cell phone nor email. I think it’s a skill that must be practiced to totally unplug.

    Let’s chat soon. I’d enjoy hearing about your new projects.


  7. Kendall Scheonrock, how the heck are you, my friend?

    Touching home and hitting the nail on the head with this here post. I also find it extremely hard to fully let got of any projects that I have spent an ample amount of time and energy on, whether my own projects or not. There seems to be a void present when you stop working/thinking about previous projects that you were once involved in.

    I hope all is well, we should connect on a call some time soon to catch up.

    -Scott aka BIG scott 😉

  8. Hey Big Scotty!

    I was just thinking about you yesterday my man! Every time I see a Zappos box I wonder how you’re doing. Since the company seems to be doing quite well, you’re popping up more and more. Thanks for the comment. You know I enjoy a conversation here, but we most certainly should catch up. I’ll give you a ring later on tonight.


  9. Good Post!

    Sometimes it is difficult to unplug and it is easy to be so passionate about a project or business that you have a hard time putting it aside. This is both a blessing and a curse.

    Instead of trying to forget about work entirely when i’m outside the office, I prefer to just make a diligent effort to do other things that are important in life – exercise, spend time with friends, spend time outside, read, watch TV and sports…etc. I don’t force myself to forget about work and actually some of my best business ideas have come outside the office. Sometimes the answer to a problem i’ve been struggling with pops in my head on the middle of a run.

    The converse of this is also something I embrace. I’ll make time to check the score of the Lakers game if I’m still at the office when its going on or I’ll occasionally take a personal call during the business day.

    For me work and non-work are not mutually exclusive. I find I do best both personally and professionally when life as a whole is a blend of all the things that I enjoy.

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