I've always been jealous of those selected few who get to see an upcoming film…
The Bourne Identity
Last night I went to see “The Bourne Identity” which is directed by Doug Liman. I thought it was a very good summer movie with a twisting plot centered in the heart of Europe. What I enjoyed most about the movie was the leading Female role- Franka Potente ( from “Run Lola Run“). She has an unconventional beauty about her and at times her beauty is masked with a tomboy look. She, however, adds just that touch of German to make me really enjoy the language. In my time here at the dorms I had managed to get an internet copy of Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run) in which Potente is the Leading Lady in an amazing German Movie. Seeing the differences in the acting between the two movies gained a lot of respect for her talent and I hope to see more of her in future films. I would also love a hint of European life in more American films, but perhaps that is just a dream of mine.
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