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The Kite Runner – Movie

I’ve always been jealous of those selected few who get to see an upcoming film before its slated release. I always wondered how it happed or who you had to know to get that exclusive “sneak peek”. Earlier this week I finally joined the club when I was invited by a well connected friend to see The Kite Runner an incredibly emotional film based on the novel by Khaled Hosseini. The invitation is yet another perk for living in New York City. 🙂The Kite Runner (Movie)

As you may remember I am a huge fan of the book having read it with through the One Book Villanova Program.  I blogged about the program here.  The movie does the book justice in nearly all aspects.  It does not dive as deep into the culture and drastic change that takes place in Afghanistan, nor does it fully explore the psychological damage the change has on many of the main characters.

I was most impressed by the young actors who delivered a performance worthy of the title “The Sultans of Kabul”.  The Kite Runner  has a PG-13 rating for strong material including the rape of a child.  To bring the violence from the silver screen to the real world the release of the film was delayed six weeks because of fear for the safety of three Afghan child actors.

If you’ve read the book I think you will be pleased with the movie as I think they did it justice…
“The is a way to be good again.”

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

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