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My Job at the World Bank

So, it occured to me today that I’ve never exactly explained to everyone what it is I do for the World Bank. I’ll try to outline it here and you might just start to understand why I find my summer internship so rewarding.

Let me start off by saying that the overall goal of “The Bank” is to end World Poverty. Now, before you go off laughing at how that is a unattainable goal coming directly from Utopian Philosophy, please understand that I do see your point of view. Also try to understand that someone must try and that it would hard to belive how far off the chart the World’s poverty might be if it wern’t for this organization. Somone must do it, these are the people that do.

I work for the Africa region and as you can assume, we are the people in charge of setting up Mission trips to Africa to pull them out of their situation. My job, as an intern, is extreamly rewarding because I feel as though I actually help. I’ve joined the Knowledge team that is in charge of sitting down with the people that come back from Africa and asking them how their project went. Some are an amazing success and are true stories of helping to make peoples lives better; some are horrible failures that end up pumping money into a project with no measurable gain. In either case, we sit the people down with a few video cameras and record the people being interviewed about their trip. After this “Debriefing” process, I’m the guy who gets to take the footage back to my amazing workstation, edit it, and export to the Banks local Intranet.

Another goal of the World Bank is to not only be a financial institution, but also a Knowlege Bank that serves as a means of educating others. This process, as one could imagine, could be extreamly valuable to any large oranization in order to help eliminate common mistakes. Now if your project is similar to another that took place a year ago, you can go and see if that project was a success and what the team though was the most important/valuable lesson they learned. The other great thing about this program is that it’s all the banks network. You can do your research when it’s most valuable for you.

I’m “The World Bank’s Africa Region Knowledge Intern Video Guy.” That’s my title! 😉 That’s what I do, and I really enjoy it, even though the video’s can get a tad bit tedious at times. (Cough Cough BORING)

I want to know if you’re reading and enjoying my weblog. Drop me an email an let me know if you’ve seen this page! Kendall.Schoenrock@[nospam] (remove the [nospam] to send me mail)

Quote for Today: “You are a success, even if you’ve failed, if thoes that come after you don’t make the same mistake.”

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

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