On September 8, 2000 world leaders met at the UN headquarters in New York City…
MattyK visits the World Bank
This is a very fun time for me becaue Mr. Matthew K. has come to visit DC and work on BL2! Yesterday we met up with Matt’s girlfriend Erin and her younger sister Kaite for lunch. After that we took a tour of my work place and I showed them the amazing view from my bosses office. Erin and Katie had to go home and Matt went out to walk the city and see the sights. He had never visited DC before, so it was good for him to go and walk around. After he came back, and I had finished a few projects, we went to this small bar and had some after work drinks. A few brews in the gut and we’re ready for some intense BL2 editing action. I love my job because everyone is so relaxed. It’s really cool.
I signed Matt back into the building and we went to work on “Short Skiing.” When everyone was in Colorado last year there was an amazingly warm day and I tried to convince everyone that we should go skiing in our shorts. I only had one taker, and it was- TINY!!! Woohooo! So Tiny and I grabbed the Camera and headed out for some amazing skiing in our shorts. In order to get the rest of the story, you need to watch the movie -(pathetic plug for BL2.) In anycase we did a whole section in ONE NIGHT! That would have been unreal a year ago. So, as of right now- I have the BL3 trailer finished, the Intro section complete with full introducitons (including “The Worker” and my parents) and last, but not least, Short skiing.
After our editing aventure, Matt and I were getting pretty hungry. Matt mentioned that he could go for some Chineese food, and you know me, I have a soft spot for some white rice. We ended up taking a cab to China town and we ate at a place called The New Big Wong. What a crazy place. After dinner week took the metro back to the World bank and digitized MK’s pre-edited MiniDV tape. I hope to hit that up tonight and finish off another section or 2.
ok…. back to work
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