Just when I start to miss my college years, I see a comic like this…
Greg’s Birthday Bash
Does Greg know how to throw a party or what? First off, let me say that I wasn’t sure if I should go to Gibby’s party or not. It was well out of my way in NJ and I wasnt sure if it would be worth it for the drive, especially since I had to drive back to DC for work on Monday. I decieded to go becasue of all the hype that has gone into it. I figured if it wasn’t for the 4 email invites I might not have taken it as seriously. 🙂 In any case, I went and had a blast. There were tons of people and the it was amazing to see all the brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. G. were great sports about it all. They let us get crazy- throwing people into their pool, etc. The pool was heated and it was great to relax in it for the night. We ended up playing a bunch of different games in the pool, from dodge ball to chicken fights (which my team never lost at), it was all great fun. The end of the night was topped off with us watching home video’s from the Tiderbox (Beta House). We watched with a slight hint of sadness for the seniors knowing it’s all over for them. I hope my seinor year will be as much fun. I’m sure it will be.
I’m back here in DC and ready to get back to work. I enjoyed the long weekend and can’t recall having so much fun in such a short period of time. I’ll check back in later if something cool happens.
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