Just when I start to miss my college years, I see a comic like this…
Pachelbel Rant by David’s Clone
This post is random, and I hope you can forgive me. I was cleaning my room tonight and I love to rock out itunes while doing mindless work. Cannon in D by Pachelbel came on and I was so very happy to whistle the melody and fold a pile of laundry. (I was using the visit of my roommates girlfriend as a good excuse to get my room to non-embarrassing level of cleanliness.) In any event, I was thinking just tonight of how much I enjoy this song and how I could hear its influences in other more modern day music. For example: Coolio – I’ll see you when you get there.
I then stumbled upon this video and posted it not so much because I enjoyed his review of a song that brings me joy, but rather because this guy reminds me of a college buddy of mine named David D. If you go back a few years you can read more about David causing some trouble at the movie theaters or some crazy nights at the courts.
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