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I’ve noticed a constant rise in articles and news stories about people being abused with Tasers. I did a little hunting for $10 I purchased the domain name I’m not sure what I should do with the website so I’ve decided to put it up to the community to give me some suggestions. Think about what type of website I could create at that would bring attention to this subject. Please leave a comment with your suggestion!

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Comments (3)

  1. Allright well I started looking into this taser abuse and started reading and looking for info on it. That is what brought me here because you think taser abuse and so I wanted to see if somone had set up somthing on it. The name of this site kinda explains what you should be putting on here. There are stories facts videos all kind of info I have found everywhere that is not labeled taser abuse. There is som much you can out on here if you really wanted to.


  2. If I were in your position, I would set up some sort of a CMS (I’m partial to Drupal, myself), and being populating the site with content that relates to the subject at hand. Maybe an archive of known cases where a taser was used in an excessive manner, essays about the danger of tasers, alternatives to tasers, the reasons cops have been using tasers so much lately, etc. etc.

    If you’re looking for user involvement, maybe create forums, let users write blogs, and so forth.

    Just some random ideas for you.

    — Doug

  3. Hi Michael and Doug,

    I agree with both of you. I will have to look into some sort of way to open the site up for submission from the net and help from the community to really make it happen. I don’t really have time to run a new site but I think it’s something worth looking into.

    For example, just today I read about this taser death in Canada :

    Something must be done.

    Thanks for your input!

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