Dear Loyal Readers, Recently I've taken a short break from blogging. While this has occasionally…
WordPress WYSIWYG Editor addon
Check this out. If you’re into the bloggin engine wordpress like I am, you might just enjoy this next tidbit. Go into your WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor and hit
Firefox: alt+shift+v
IE: alt+v
and for firefox on the mac OS X: Ctrl + V
You get this very cool add on bar that allows you to edit the formatting, font color, underline, and other fun stuff. Why would they hide this? Either way – have fun! Thanks to for pointing this out to me! 🙂 You guys rock!
Thanks for the link Kendall – glad you liked it!
Thanks for stopping by Chris. I do enjoy your work at 10e20. Take care!
Great info thanx.