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Sites I Used Last Week

I’ve been changing up my passwords and I thought I would take this time to breakout a list of sites / accounts that I have scattered across the net. I think we forget how many interactions we have and how far we cast our net. I am sure there are more, but these are just a few that made it into this post.
In order in which I used them:

1.) My Website / WordPress Blog / My hosting company

2.) – How I sync my files between multiple computers and acts as a live backup.

3.) – Reviewing a new contact I just made.

4.) – How are sales?

5.) – Checking my email.

6.) My Bank in Kansas – Reviewing my bank statements

7.) Wachovia – Reviewing my bank statements

8.) Discover Car – Reviewing my Credit Card Statments

9.) MBNA… err, um now, Bank of America – Reviewing my Credit Card Statments

10.) Paypal – Did you know you can make 5.02% interest by keeping your cash here?

11.) MyBlogLog – Who’s visited my blogs?

12.) Digg – What’s new with the uber geeks?

13.) – Doing some random surfing and checking in on how many bookmarks wallhogs has.

14.) Foldershare again – I was sharing a folder of picutres with my friend Matt Karycki.

15.) iTunes – I just purchased the new Gwen Stefani tracks. I’ve been resisting, but they’ve grown on me recently.

16.) Google Analytics – How much traffic are my sites getting? (Both personal and professional) What are the bounce rates, etc.

17.) Google Adwords – What’s the spend?

18.) FTP server – Updating the photographers page.

19.) Wallhogs WordPress Blog- Wanted to post a sneak preview to our new site.

20.) YouTube Account. I’ve uploaded a few Wallhogs Video’s and a collegue wanted to put a video on their site to help promote Wallhogs.

21.) IntelliContact – This is the company we use to do our email campaigns to our users.

22.) The Logo Homepage’s WordPress Blog – Wanted to write a quick post.

23.) Pandora- I was cooking Penne Vodka and wanted some music for the kitchen and the mood.

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Comments (2)

  1. I use LinkedIn just to have a foothold on their, I don’t really use it as such. It’s just a profile thing, nothing else.

    I use MyBlogLog daily, but I’m not one of those constant joiners. I’ll join a community or add someone as a contact if they’re useful or a worthwhile person to know. What I won’t do is just connect with them to be seen. I hate that.

    I like to use Digg to uncover topics to ‘blog about, although I usually don’t ‘blog about them directly. I usually come at a story from an angle that interests me, that’s typically missed in the original article.

    I practically live out of, Google Analytics and AdSense.

    I also use Technorati to follow up on back-links and FeedBurner to se who’s subscribing…

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