For this post I decided to keep it close to home and interview my older…
Sites I Used Last Week
I’ve been changing up my passwords and I thought I would take this time to breakout a list of sites / accounts that I have scattered across the net. I think we forget how many interactions we have and how far we cast our net. I am sure there are more, but these are just a few that made it into this post.
In order in which I used them:
1.) My Website / WordPress Blog / My hosting company
2.) – How I sync my files between multiple computers and acts as a live backup.
3.) – Reviewing a new contact I just made.
4.) – How are sales?
5.) – Checking my email.
6.) My Bank in Kansas – Reviewing my bank statements
7.) Wachovia – Reviewing my bank statements
8.) Discover Car – Reviewing my Credit Card Statments
9.) MBNA… err, um now, Bank of America – Reviewing my Credit Card Statments
10.) Paypal – Did you know you can make 5.02% interest by keeping your cash here?
11.) MyBlogLog – Who’s visited my blogs?
12.) Digg – What’s new with the uber geeks?
13.) – Doing some random surfing and checking in on how many bookmarks wallhogs has.
14.) Foldershare again – I was sharing a folder of picutres with my friend Matt Karycki.
15.) iTunes – I just purchased the new Gwen Stefani tracks. I’ve been resisting, but they’ve grown on me recently.
16.) Google Analytics – How much traffic are my sites getting? (Both personal and professional) What are the bounce rates, etc.
17.) Google Adwords – What’s the spend?
18.) FTP server – Updating the photographers page.
19.) Wallhogs WordPress Blog- Wanted to post a sneak preview to our new site.
20.) YouTube Account. I’ve uploaded a few Wallhogs Video’s and a collegue wanted to put a video on their site to help promote Wallhogs.
21.) IntelliContact – This is the company we use to do our email campaigns to our users.
22.) The Logo Homepage’s WordPress Blog – Wanted to write a quick post.
23.) Pandora- I was cooking Penne Vodka and wanted some music for the kitchen and the mood.
I use LinkedIn just to have a foothold on their, I don’t really use it as such. It’s just a profile thing, nothing else.
I use MyBlogLog daily, but I’m not one of those constant joiners. I’ll join a community or add someone as a contact if they’re useful or a worthwhile person to know. What I won’t do is just connect with them to be seen. I hate that.
I like to use Digg to uncover topics to ‘blog about, although I usually don’t ‘blog about them directly. I usually come at a story from an angle that interests me, that’s typically missed in the original article.
I practically live out of, Google Analytics and AdSense.
I also use Technorati to follow up on back-links and FeedBurner to se who’s subscribing…
hi all.