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Trip to Germany

Tomorrow, I will travel to Europe. The primary purpose of the trip is to visit my German relatives, one of whom will be getting married next Saturday. I am excited for the trip and to see my family and friends. My parents will also be going. I think this is great because my father was born in Aufham, which is a small German town just outside of Salzburg, Austria. Even today, I have more relatives in this one village, than I do in America.Die Hölbinger Alm lädt zum Aufenthalt ein... My family there runs a small hotel and cafe’, or “gasthof,” in the tiny village. I was thrilled to stumble upon a high resolution image of the mountains around this village listed in wikipedia. The hotel is one of the highest buildings, nestled at the base of the primary peak, just below the tree line. The wedding will take place at a church in the center of village, a stones throw from the gasthof.
I was surfing around the Hoelbinger-Alm’s website [German], and discoverd that they are also running a WordPress powered blog! This site is also, of course, in German. I found this very exciting and quickly added them to my reading list. So that’s a great story, but perhaps you’re asking yourself why this is important. Why is Kendall sharing this with me? – I’ll cut to the chase; it’s the power of the blog.
I think it is an interesting trend to see businesses starting to embrace the idea of blogs. Josh Kopelman has an early entry in his blog that addresses why embracing this platform is important for whatever you do. Regardless if you’re starting a company, finding deals to invest in, or keeping potential hotel guests informed, blogs are becoming a real way for those with a message to directly interact with people want to hear that message.

Most likely, my blog will go on pause until I get back. I will be gone until the middle of November. Prost! 😉

Kendall Schoenrock’s business background includes experience in tech startups, real estate development, and angel investing. Currently he runs Schoenrock Investments, a family real estate investing office that is an umbrella to multiple other entities focused on residential, commercial, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

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